Contact Us

You don’t have to live with problem damp and its consequences. Take action now and buy online, enquire here 24 hours and we will call you to discuss your options. Or call us business hours. We’re fully licensed and fully Insured, have been doing this for more than 20 years+ so don’t worry, we’ll know what to do!

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    Contact Details


    9am-9pm                                    1300 557 687


    8am-4pm                                   02 9651 7774

    Ehttp://02 9651 7774mail:


    Head Office

    Unit 26/280 New Line Road
    Dural NSW 2158 Australia

    Western Australia Office

    Unit 3 / No 32 Mooney Street Bayswater
    WA 6053

    Sydney, NSW

    Suite 1A Level 2, 802 Pacific Hwy
    Gordon NSW 2072 Australia

    Mechanical Ventilation Licence No 261209c

    Servicing: Sydney, Greater Sydney, Newcastle, Gosford, Central Coast, Hunter, Northern Rivers, Wollongong


    *Assessment & quotation services may be charged in some instances, especially when travel is required outside metropolitan and/or in not easily serviced locations.