Rising Damp Sydney

Doctor Damp can provide the best solutions for rising damp in Sydney. Rising damp can cause serious structural problems to your property if left untreated, leading to issues such as plaster and paint deterioration and damage to the outer appearance of buildings. Homes and other buildings with a timber ground floor may also suffer from problems associated with wood rot, odours and pest infestation. Check out our Sydney sub floor ventilation page.


Moisture entering from sub-floor spaces into the building may result in the growth of mould and mildew, causing health problems such as allergies, asthma, respiratory infections and sinus problems. Fortunately, Doctor Damp offers a number of rising damp solutions that can assist with rising damp mould removal and stop these problems once and for all.

Subfloor Ventilation Sydney

The Solution Recommended by Our Rising Damp Specialists in Sydney

A well designed and installed sub-floor ventilation system by Doctor Damp.

Doctor Damp is one of the leading rising damp specialists in Sydney, with experts who have been trained to recognise when a sub-floor ventilation system can help reduce the incidence of rising damp through removal of excessive sub-floor moisture. We can provide everything from rising damp internal wall solutions in Sydney through to damp under house solutions in Brisbane.

Regardless of whether you are located in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane, the rising damp solutions are similar. By properly ventilating the sub-floor area using various fans and ducts to extract damp air, we will reduce the amount of moisture accumulating under the floor, preventing the build-up of mould and unwanted odours.

  1. Contact Doctor Damp now before the problem gets worse and speak to an expert in your area for rising damp solutions in Sydney.
  2. We’ll provide a professional in-house damp assessment, diagnose the problem and engineer a suitable solution.
  3. We’ll provide you a set price quote at competitive rates to suit your needs and solve your damp problem.
  4. We’ll provide the rising damp treatment your Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne home needs to remedy your issue.
  5. Enjoy the peace of mind and comfort of a damp managed sub-floor thanks to our rising damp solutions.

Call Our Rising Damp Specialists Today

If you’re looking for a company that can carry out thorough rising damp treatment in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, or in another part of Australia, or If you’re looking for sub floor ventilation in Sydney call Doctor Damp now on 02 9651 7774 or  contact us online.

We can provide the effective yet affordable repairs your Gold Coast, Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney home needs.

Subfloor Ventilation Sydney
Subfloor Ventilation Sydney
Subfloor Ventilation Sydney

The Benefits of Rising Damp Treatment

Doctor Damp technicians are qualified to carry out treatment of rising damp in Sydney, Gold Coast, Brisbane, and Melbourne homes, such as installing and servicing sub-floor ventilation systems that target and remove ground moisture from under raised floors, moisture that could otherwise make its way into the building above. You can rely on our contractors in Sydney and beyond to provide quick service and reliable damp under-house solutions.

Service Coverage

Doctor Damp's design, supply and installation service is available in

mould remediation Sydney
For a FREE* at home consultation
Call 1300 557 687
Or contact us online 
*conditions apply

6 Reasons To Contact
Doctor Damp

  • All work guaranteed
  • Experts in our field
  • Your damp is our problem
  • No problem too big or small
  • Licensed and insured
  • Best Value Sub Floor Ventilation Systems